Our hustle culture and Jesus don’t mix

Our hustle culture and Jesus don’t mix

I struggled when I heard the heading on an Instagram post by Visionfleo. In our modern world, hustle culture has become a dominant force. We are forever glorifying non-stop work, extreme productivity, and the pursuit of success at any cost. However, when placed alongside the teachings of Jesus, a significant inconsistency emerges. Let’s look at a couple of reasons why while this concept may be hard to process, the facts stay true. Materialism vs. Spiritual Values “Hustle” culture places immense…

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Building Your Life on Rock-Solid Foundation

Building Your Life on Rock-Solid Foundation

Complete transparency here… I’ve neglected writing for way too long. So I am hoping to get back into it. Am I choosing the right time? Probably not, but I find so much growth in writing. Not only am I encouraged by the few that read the blog, but I am also encouraged by the amount of understanding I get from taking the time to dive a little deeper into God’s word. Some more transparency, when I heard about someone speaking…

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It’s time for us to work for God’s glory

It’s time for us to work for God’s glory

In a world that often prioritises personal gain and material success, corporate ladders and job titles, it can be easy to lose sight of the true purpose of our work. We end up getting so fixated on trying to improve our status and making sure that those around us are aware of the achievements we make in our workplace. Let me ask you this: How often when you meet someone new, one of the first questions you ask them is…

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My worst enemy may just become my greatest asset

My worst enemy may just become my greatest asset

I need to be honest with you. I have written a couple of blogs now about anxiety and such. Yet, this past week was a tough week for me in this department. It has been the first time I’d dealt with deadlines for tax submissions and the start of my honours year. And, on top of that, I felt unbelievably ill. This leads me to a bad space in my walk with the Lord. Not only was I not spending…

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I never get what I want, when I want it

I never get what I want, when I want it

But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. 2 And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling apparel. 5 And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the…

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Are we celebrating for the right reasons?

Are we celebrating for the right reasons?

I know this is late. But work has been busy, and I am just trying to stay afloat. Okay, I said what I needed to say. Here is the blog 🙂 Christmas is quite possibly my favourite time of year. Everyone seems so happy all the time, and there is visible love being shown between people. But, we must remember the reason for the season. I was looking for a plan to do with my better half about Christmas, and…

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Is it really our money?

Is it really our money?

We met this past week for yet another Next Gen / Young adult meeting. One word that best describes that meeting, “Oof”. If you are wondering why I say oof, take some time to go and read the parable of the dishonest manager (Luke 16:1-13). I can honestly say it was one of the toughest parables I have worked through. Just keeping up with who is talking to who during the parable is enough to fry the brain. But, with help…

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It is time for you to be a good steward.

It is time for you to be a good steward.

Stewardship If I were to ask you, what do you think of when I say “good steward”, you may be inclined to think of a steward on a plane or a servant on a boat. Someone who serves the passengers. But Jesus often instructed his disciples, and thus instructs us, to be good stewards. Steward is not a word that is not often used in modern English, so what exactly should you and I be doing to be a “good steward”? I…

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Sinful by nature, but saved by grace.

Sinful by nature, but saved by grace.

The closer I get to God, the more I feel I sin. This was something I heard the other day on social media. It sounded strange at first. But, then I took a moment and reflected on my own experiences. The statement rang true for me. I feel like the further I get in my walk with God, the more I feel I sin. So, why is this? I think the first thing we should understand is that we are…

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The ultimate instruction manual for your life.

The ultimate instruction manual for your life.

I met with a group of people my age a few weeks ago for what we call Young Adults. The name kind of says it all, but it is an opportunity for younger people to meet and talk about God’s word. That week we did the seed and sower parable (Luke 8). For those who are not aware of the parable, Jesus is explaining four different ways that people respond to God’s word. I would encourage you to go read…

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